Our Leadership
Psi Sigma Phi Leadership
The Executive Round Table of Knights or E.R.T.K. is composed of both the National Executive Board and National Cabinet membership who service the operations and management of the organization. As part of the Executive Round Table of Knights, we as leaders ensured all functions are properly coordinated, followed and supervised.
Our leadership prides in maintaining the foundation and ideals of our organization while also assimilating social and global changes.
National Executive Board
Psi Sigma Phi is governed by an executive board elected every two years
The National Executive Board officers consists of the following:
- President
- Vice President
- Vice President of Fraternal Affairs
- Vice President of Alumni Affairs
- Administrator
- Treasurer

Psi Sigma Phi National Executive President
Anthony Othello Pratt Jr., Utah State University
Short bio of National Executive president…
National Executive Board Cabinet
Each Cabinet member shall chair a committee corresponding to their respective positions to help better execute their duties. Cabinet members will oversee selecting members to their respective committees. Each established region shall have a regional director or regional representative as deemed necessary by the National Executive Board.
National Multicultural Greek Council
Psi Sigma Phi Multicultural Fraternity is a proud member and co-founder of the National Multicultural Greek Council. The NMGC was conceptualized in 1998 with intentions to unite Greek-letter Fraternities and Sororities under one national entity.The NMGC serves in an advisory capacity to its member organizations. Each member organization is autonomous as a Greek-letter society.
The goals of the NMGC are as follows:
- To provide a forum that allows for the free exchange of ideas, programs, and services between its constituent fraternities and sororities;
- To promote the awareness of multicultural diversity within collegiate institutions, their surrounding communities, and the greater community-at-large; and
- To support and promote the works of its member organizations.